Success Stories > Xploree

How Xploree Keyboard Uses Smart Nudges for Feature Adoption

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Xploree is an AI based Keyboard that helps harness the inherent power of mobile keyboard by leveraging user behavior. Xploree allows customers to flag their products and solutions at the time of consumer’s momentary need.

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Increased Feature Adoption

About Xploree and Apxor

KPT’s Xploree is a Keyboard. There are very few tools that can work with a Keyboard, given its restrictions. Apxor built an SDK which works perfectly with Xploree AI Keyboard (Keypoint Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)

Xploree team was able to now create smart nudges without interfering with the users’ flow while they were typing. This allowed them to nudge users at the right time of their journey to explore Xploree's features.

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Helping Users Discover the ‘Discovery’ Feature

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As a keyboard tool, Xploree doesn’t interfere in user’s actions while they are typing. However, Xploree has a great feature called ‘Discovery’ which is AI driven and can help users in many ways (like text prompts, video prompts etc). Xploree wanted to nudge users to checkout their Discovery feature.

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Building an SDK for apps is a no-brainer as compared to building one for a Keyboard tool. The strong tech team of Apxor built an SDK that works on top of Xploree, within no-time.

Using the Digital Nudging Platform of Apxor, Xploree could then create and deploy nudges that appeared contextually and guided users to use the ‘Discovery’ feature.

By nudging users to the Discovery feature, Xploree made it more discoverable to users. This increased feature adoption and improved the overall product experience as the Discovery feature provided users with AI driven suggestions while they were typing.
Apxor Campaign
Helping Users Discover the ‘Discovery’ Feature
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As a keyboard tool, Xploree doesn’t interfere in user’s actions while they are typing. However, Xploree has a great feature called ‘Discovery’ which is AI driven and can help users in many ways (like text prompts, video prompts etc). Xploree wanted to nudge users to checkout their Discovery feature.

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Building an SDK for apps is a no-brainer as compared to building one for a Keyboard tool. The strong tech team of Apxor built an SDK that works on top of Xploree, within no-time.

Using the Digital Nudging Platform of Apxor, Xploree could then create and deploy nudges that appeared contextually and guided users to use the ‘Discovery’ feature.


By nudging users to the Discovery feature, Xploree made it more discoverable to users and thus improved the overall product experience by providing users with AI driven suggestions while they were typing.

Nutan Chokkareddy
We want to use Apxor more and more in Xploree.

There are very few SDKs that work on Keyboard. Apxor built that SDK that works on Keyboard and helped us in nudging our users to feature discovery.

user engagement

20 Million

User nudges everyday
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15 Mins

To launch a nudge
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