Success Stories > Quick Ride

How India’s Largest Ride Sharing App Ran Experiments Quickly and Improved Feature Adoption by 8X

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Quick Ride is India’s largest ride sharing app, with millions of downloads. Quick Ride offers a powerful platform to find real-time options for ridesharing, carpooling and bike pooling be it as a ride giver or ride taker.

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Increased Feature Adoption

About QuickRide

QuickRide was one of the earliest adopters of Apxor’s digital nudges. The team understood the value of nudging users at the right time. With Apxor’s team working with them round the clock, QuickRide constructively used the insights and the nudges to create wonderful product experiences for their users.

The solution built by QuickRide using Apxor’s contextual walkthroughs was appreciated by our competitors too. The entire effect that combining product experience insights and creating hyper contextual nudges brings to the end users, is a much loved and sticky product.

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First Time User Bookings

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Quick Ride wanted to get more first time users to take rides. The key insight they found using Apxor was that, if users could successfully book a ride in their first few sessions, they stay with the app else they churn. Product team at Quickride came up with a really interesting feature - Auto Confirm which will confirm rides by matching some internal criteria. If a new user discovers and uses the Auto Confirm feature it would increase their probability of getting a ride match, and thereby lead to an improvement in conversions.

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How can Quickride make the Auto Confirm feature discoverable ? What is the right context to nudge first time users towards this feature before they churn ?


Quick Ride identified three separate contexts in which they wished to highlight the Auto Confirm feature. The contexts spanned across the user’s journey in the app. Quick Ride ran an experiment by  launching a Contextual Walkthrough leading to this feature. Based on the
results, they nailed down the right context for the message that lead to the most rides taken.

With quick experimentation, Quick Ride could understand which context was working best with their users. By implementing this on a large scale, Quick Ride quickly saw an 8X boost in feature adoption and also gave its first time users a much loved product experience.
Apxor Campaign
First Time User Bookings
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Quick Ride wanted to get more first time users to take rides. The key insight they found using Apxor was that, if users could successfully book a ride in their first few sessions, they stay with the app else they churn. Product team at Quickride came up with a really interesting feature - Auto Confirm which will confirm rides by matching some internal criteria. If a new user discovers and uses the Auto Confirm feature it would increase their probability of getting a ride match, and thereby lead to an improvement in conversions.

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How can Quickride make the Auto Confirm feature discoverable ? What is the right context to nudge first time users towards this feature before they churn ?


Quick Ride identified three separate contexts in which they wished to highlight the Auto Confirm feature. The contexts spanned across the user’s journey in the app. Quick Ride ran an experiment by  launching a Contextual Walkthrough leading to this feature. Based on the
results, they nailed down the right context for the message that lead to the most rides taken.


Quick Ride ran an experiment by launching a Contextual Walkthrough leading to this feature. Based on the results, they nailed down the right context for the message that lead to the most rides taken.

Vivek Kumar

Associate Director - Quick Ride
Apxor is truly indispensable for growth-focused companies

For us, Apxor has become synonymous with discovering actionable insights quicker than ever. The ability to contextually nudge users on the fly gives us the flexibility to launch dynamic walkthroughs and help convert more users! That would not have been possible without Apxor, it truly is indispensable for growth-focused companies.

user engagement

20 Million

User nudges everyday
app engagement


Average increase
in conversions
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15 Mins

To launch a nudge
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